It's National Mentoring Day
Today is an opportunity to acknowledge the value of mentoring
2020 has opened up a greater array of ways mentoring can happen. The benefits remain the same.
Whilst much is generally made of the benefits of having a mentor, i.e. the benefits for the mentee, it is in fact a reciprocal activity. In other words, there are benefits for the mentor as well.
Benefits for the mentee
• Increased self awareness and understanding
• Provided with a sounding board for feedback
• Support for ideas and critical reflection
• Assumptions and beliefs are challenged in a safe and supportive way
• Experience of different options/paths
• A safe environment to try out ideas
• A source of stretch and challenge
• Expands personal network and learning
• Accelerates personal development
• Increases self confidence and self esteem
Benefits for the mentor
• Personal fulfilment from investing in others
• Communication and mentoring skills
• Enjoyment from seeing others succeed
• Feels valued as a role model
• Stimulates personal learning
• Renewed focus on future career or further development opportunities
• Develops new insight into oneself
• Gains an appreciation of someone’s else’s pressures, work, life and lived experiences
• Improves own development and performance